I can see the stats on what posts are being read on this blog. While I have left some stuff published and have chosen to not permanently delete this blog, I have also started another blog that you can private message me for and get details.
I'm writing this because I noticed that a post from 2011 is still getting hits, and being read. I no longer totally agree with it, and see the need to address it. I hammered respect back then. I still believe respect is necessary and vital.
However, it leaves out another important piece. Men are called to love. Like Jesus. Not when it's easy or convenient or fun or thrilling. Loving like Jesus meant death for Him.
I don't think men need to literally die, but we need to meet in the middle of the road on this love and respect issue. Too often, men have had the freedom to do whatever, including playing with women's hearts and being abusive because women just need to be respectful.
Yes, respect is important. It needs to be done because everyone deserves respect as a person made by God.
But when has love been strongly hammered for the men? As I watch culture, I do notice the swing to the other side, and I have been hesitant to jump on the bandwagon for those reasons.
Can we find a middle road? I hope so.
For you who keep reading old posts... Blessings. Just remember that people grow and change. Read your Bible more than anything else.