Monday, May 9, 2011

For the Praise of Good Men

  Over the past few weeks, I’ve found myself listening to various women discussing the “idiots and any cuss word you want to imagine” in their lives. They spew all their grievances and then turn to Face book or better yet, the local sheriff’s online catalog of men to show a picture of the “criminal” they were married to or dated. They have issues trusting their current "significant other" but what can they expect if they have also had several relationships and no marital commitments?!
Another thing I’ve noticed recently is the minivans driving around with a bumper sticker that reads, “I have one of the few good men.” Come on, you can’t even mention a good man without making reference to the bad ones.
These conversations leave me frustrated with 3 choices:
a: turn to the typical single lady cynicism
b: decide to focus on the good men in my life and give them some recognition.
c: tell the women that Mennonite men are generally not jail birds and come to church to meet them-- not recommended! J
There are many of these men out there who look out for the women in their lives, support their family, spend time with their children, put love and energy into their marriage relationship, their ministry and their church. They aren’t necessarily the “Head turners” or Charmers but they are faithful in doing what God has called them to.
They pray, they lead, they care, they live… and they deserve to be thanked…and to be recognized, admired, recommended, complimented, prayed for, followed, encouraged, blessed, and surrounded by cheerleaders.
They paint when they would rather be taking a nap… they change the diaper when they would rather be out golfing… they give up their personal desires for the good of those following them… they pursue missions instead of careers… their lives speak of dedication, of fighting for others, of passion for Christ, of God’s wild heart…
I’d like to suggest that circumstances are the only difference between an “idiot” and a good man. Circumstances like a respectful woman standing behind him, a mother who was kind to him, a sister who encouraged him… and most of all, a transformation created by an Awesome God that he continues to walk with.
For all I know, the random men who hold the door at the bank might be the “idiots” they talk about. I wonder what would happen if they would start being more kind and supportive…more respectful…more thankful?
If you have a good man in your life, recognize him without bringing up the bad guys. Appreciate that he is in your life. Take care of him and he will probably take care of you. J And if you ever get done with that assignment, go tell all the other women out there how to be respectful.
If you have an "idiot"... look beyond his actions and see if there isn't something inside him that could be motivated for better causes. Best of all, get to know God for yourself and let Him transform you first.


  1. Ahhh... very much liked this post!!! Amen and Amen! It's like seeing the needle in his eye and having a LOG in mine! The blame does NOT just go one way. Thanks, Yvonne!! :)

  2. I love this post!!! =) Way to go for writing it. ;-) I don't know what else to say except: AMEN and amen!!!
