Thursday, January 19, 2012


"Will you ______________?"

 Do you remember a day when God got intimate with you and asked you a question that would change the rest of your life?

I still remember the day I decided God was a "hopeless" romantic... and will always treasure it...

Recently I've been contemplating what it feels like to God to have us as "lovers." I doubt that He feels that same warm, fuzzy, lovey dovey feeling that I get when I have a special divinely appointed day that reminds me that Someone cares for my heart.

I can't imagine what it must feel like when we come wanting to discuss our work, our journey, our goals and our purpose...everything except our mutual love during those prayer moments. "Good grief! can't we just talk about 'us??!!'

 "When are you going to change this or that..." or  "God, couldn't You do_____________" or "Please open the door to______________" the list goes on and on...It's a miracle He keeps us alive when the very things we complain about are His gifts of love working for our greater good.

Another classic I'm sure the Trinity rolls their eyes over is when we get a break through. We run all over, telling everyone and then forget to say "Thanks!" Oh, we may utter a thankful thought or two, but we don't sit down and revel in His Love.

If we really think God is awesome, amazing, all-powerful, magnificant, and worthy of all honor and praise, shouldn't we find time to delight in Him? To bow in awe before Him? To find ways to "romance" God?

So in what ways can we romance God?
In what ways can we enjoy Him?
What does it mean to bring Him pleasure?

I don't have answers but I do know that our Relationship with Him is why we exist. Not our work, not our journey, not our, our purpose is a relationship with God Himself. And then to love all the others-unreached, black, white, brown, creamy, and tanned people by telling them about this amazing Love relationship.

1 comment:

  1. you echo my heart's cry, girl! Beautiful post!
