Saturday, October 5, 2019


Where there is no vision, the people perish. All of us at some point have something we dream about, and wonder.

How do you know you are on the right path?
-The age old "green light" procedure is do the Bible, your Spirit and your Authorities all give you a green light?
-Laying out a fleece, or praying for a confirmation.
-"Follow the peace of God."
I think we all have our things we turn to in the midst of contingency plans.

Believe the heart of the Father is good. This a great place to start for a foundation. His ways are higher than ours. He has plans to give us a hope and a future. He wants to do new things, and make a way in the desert.

Don't run ahead of Him. This is a tough one for some of us. No matter what though, He always reigns me in. I can't storm ahead, till the gate opens in His time.

I think that God enjoys this stage cause we are constantly running to Him in prayer. I have to remember to pray as much in the settled times as when life is up in the air, and could take 10 directions. I don’t think He wants us to stay here, but any relational being is going to love constant conversation.

Dream. Enjoy the brainstorming, researching and enjoy the ride. Sometimes we hem ourselves in, and need to become like little children again who haven't seen one broken wish. Imagine 6 impossible things before breakfast. God is the only limit, and He's basically limitless.

Waiting time. Great for development of all kinds of skills and character. If you are on board with God and connecting daily, this won't be wasted. ever.

Read and Research. The internet is out there, like you needed me to point that out. :)

Some books to read include:
Visioneering by Andy Stanley
Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby
The Calling Journey by Tony Stoltzfus

Network. Professionally, Socially, and bond with your church.
Personal Development: Life Ministries Core 1 and 2 (including all the reading) :)
Hone skills in your field of interest like microfinance, English teaching, wool roving, or psychology.

Find a mentor or two and talk through things. At least one other person should know what is rattling around in your mind. We can’t think of everything on our own, even though a dreamer tends to have thoughts on steroids when the brainstorming process is in session. Some of those aren’t good ideas, and we need people who will help sort it all out.

Get advice and consider it, but remember you have your own calling, your own thing God wants to accomplish. Some will try to derail you on other great projects. Don't do it, if it's not yours to do. Stop being a people pleaser.

The most encouraging thing though is to remember the breakthroughs of the past, and how faithful God is. Sometimes, we forget the blessings, the extraordinary doors that opened and the privileges of the past or even the present. We do well to build memorials so we remember. We also could keep a gratitude journal for these special moments.

Connect with people on a similar journey so you know that you aren't alone. If you know there is a human out there that understands, it's amazing what you are able to endure.

Keep praying confidently even in the midst of contingent plans.

Enjoy the journey.

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