Sunday, March 31, 2019


Why do you do the things you do? What motivates and drives you?

Recently, I became well aware of how tired I was emotionally, and I knew something had to change. I had realized that I had gotten involved for the wrong reasons in several good things over the years, and it wasn’t life giving anymore. I was burnt out, and ineffective in helping anyone. It was time to find new motivation, and new vision. Correct motivation for doing the right things.

It’s hard to have conversations with people about the hard realities of their lives or worse, listen to their sobs. Can I see them as my tangible Jesus to love on?

It’s also good to just tell God about it all, and hear Him say that I spoke the truth, that I loved enough. Can I stop taking on all their broken hard things and let them rest on His shoulders?

So what is your motivation?
Is it to get a reward at the end of your life?
Is it to honor and glorify God and to make Him known?

Recently the whole idea of rewards was kind of smeared up in my face, and a big part of me pushed back, so I decided to research, think, and reflect. Ask, seek and knock, and the door will be opened, right?

Why do I think that doing things simply for the award at the end is little too much like kindergarten level expectations for a small trinket at the end of a well behaved day?
Why does doing things for God’s glory feel more like a mature, more proper motivation?

I was blessed enough to sit in a class where we were taught that blessings came for one reason. To be shared with the people all around us, as in the strangers, orphans and widows. Why? So they too can see, know, and personally glorify Him. Blessings aka rewards were for the intent that we would be blessings to others. Rewards aren’t for us to selfishly keep for ourselves.

I am a believer in garnering stars in for our crowns for one reason. We will throw them at Jesus’ feet, and he deserves the most beautiful, ornate head gear we can give him. A Burger King cardboard crown simply wouldn’t do it for my King.

There definitely are verses that clearly state there is a reward for those that are faithful. Those promises are worthwhile taking a look at. I believe that they will come true. I want a reward when the time comes that God wants to give it.

He hasn’t rewarded us according to our iniquities. Thankfully. That’s incredible grace that’s worth seeking out it’s Creator.

Hebrews says we must believe that He is, and that He is the rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. I noticed it doesn’t say those who work hard. It is for those who seek.

Don’t be weary in well doing, for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not. I struggle to be ok with doing hard things just for the reward that we will get. But it seems worthwhile to hang in there on the hard days.

He who endures to the end shall be saved. Ok, that is more essential. One definition of reward started out as “whole, safe...” The idea of being in a safe place full of peace and love eternally is enough for me. That kind of reward is something I long for in the middle of the stressful. Imagine no more stress! A spa-like peacefulness that goes on forever.. A profound solitude breakthrough wow that doesn’t end, or return to earth quickly as the thief moves in to steal the joy somehow.

I will not dive into the whole debate of different levels of heaven, and rewards, awards, prizes and more elaborate sparkling crowns for the most faithful. Whatever eternity is all about, the best part will be to stand in the presence of Jesus and God forever.

So the next time I encounter a difficult situation, or turn around to choke back the tears, I will remember that this is not forever. There is an end to drama. Thank Heaven.

More than anything I can do, it’s my biggest calling to seek Him. I can get a glimpse of what He envisions, but it is up to Him to bring the “how it will happen” around. When it begins and ends with Him, that changes everything.

In the meantime, I will continue seeking Him one day at a time. Rewards don’t need to be my primary concern, but seeking Him does.

Friday, March 22, 2019


Stories speak. Read them in a book, and you connect. See the storyline in a movie and it captures you completely. Am I the only one who has this happen? 

This particular one clearly illustrated some of what was going on in real life for me, and what was going on emotionally in response to what was happening. The timing of this movie I watched with school kids who had earned it through good behavior had to have a Divine finger on it.

Stories are moving. I ended up going to the bridge later to cry it out. It moved a piece I needed to process right out into the open. And in the crying out to God, healing happened.

I have been challenged by a friend to tell more stories instead of statistics or facts. People connect with story.

I don't know about most of you, but I live one of those lives that has story happening at multiple layers at once, often interconnected with other parts.

In Counseling 101, we often asked “What's stirring?" meaning 'what is emotionally feeling live current right now? Let's talk about it.' There's that layer.

Then there's the many different relationships with people around us happening simultaneously. Some of those go well, others feel shaky, and others feel like impending train wrecks. Stories.

Spiritual warfare and growth also are another layer of story. God keeps teaching and showing us things and giving insights on this level. More tales to tell.

Wrap it all in one, and we call it life. 

Good things happen when we tell stories to each other. Connection takes place.

 When we tell Good Stories even better things take place. When we repeat them, retell them and pass them on to our friends, that is when it plants seeds of truth, and deepens our own faith because we remember the Good that has happened. When story touches emotions and our spirits, it has a beautiful opportunity to transform our lives.

I am challenged to tell more about the good things that are happening with those around me, to share more about the internal processing of spiritual and emotional things, or the remarkable chronicle of details that God is scripting to give me another gift, not in online forums, but face to face. To just pour coffee, and let the words flow.

Just like the movie showed a dog finding her way home while meeting a lot of friends along the way, so we can help others not just on our way Home, but help them find their way Home as well by telling stories.

More stories happen as we navigate from one scene to another, and process the chapter change.   It’s not easy, but just like the dog felt the strong, internal invisible pull to find her way home, so we also feel like we are not home yet, and need to keep going, regardless of how difficult the journey is.

Hope to see you at Home.


Unseen. Unheard. Unwanted. Un-everything.
Smoke screening. Resignation. Walls. Lack of trust.
Underneath it all, is something alive that never dies. It might speak and advocate on behalf of other people even if it won’t for itself. Emotions always find their voice. They will not be silent.
While the circumstances creating the “Un....” should be addressed, they also are what can create a voice of change that is powerful, influential, and transforming. Behind the strong advocacy voice might be the experience of being in a place with no voice, no advocate.

Abuse. Unfair treatment. Trauma.
Anger. Justice. Stronger emotional reactions then the situation calls for.
While it was totally wrong, and should be dealt with, it created empathy and compassion for people who are caught in bad situations. Behind some of the kindest people is a myriad of broken shards.

Blatant sin. Bad choices. Open or indirect defiance of what is known to be right.
Proud. Independent. Guilt. Fear. Condemnation if they are aware of it.
Attempt to control the world instead of trust God.
While God is hurt by this, He isn’t stopped, intimidated, or overwhelmed.

Over and over, I have seen how God limits himself and uses stupid mistakes of humans and even blatant disrespect of Him to achieve good in the world. I have seen extremely dumb and ridiculous moves turned into something that brought him glory. Gasp... you can even find this insanity in the Bible, right through the whole lineage of Jesus. You would think He would lose patience much sooner than He does. Let’s not lose the idea that God is fair, that God sees the hard things and none of it is His perfect will. None of it. On the other hand, this speaks loud and clear of His grace, mercy and love. Especially when you realize the depth of how far off track you have gone, and how He uses you anyway. This is a profound moment.

God doesn’t steer clear of messy situations but enters into them and transforms them. He uses extremely unorthodox methods and comes in the back door more then he comes through the front. God is absolutely the most creative Artist of all time. He not only created the world but also hand designed the stories we live. Joy and pain are woven in. External stories bring insights to internal turmoil. If you have a story like mine, it happens to have layers of stuff happening simultaneously.

Whatever happened in the shadows really isn’t hidden from Him, or from the people who are discerning. It may be mostly invisible, but it will not stay there. It will come along with you in life and impact your response to life. God is not surprised by it, even if you are. And He may just even use it to accomplish a major change in the world.

So may we have patience with the people around us who we think know better, and even those that don’t. God will use all things for the good of those who love Him. Putting it in leather doesn’t look fun, but I know growth will only come in receiving the gift of messy.