Friday, March 22, 2019


Unseen. Unheard. Unwanted. Un-everything.
Smoke screening. Resignation. Walls. Lack of trust.
Underneath it all, is something alive that never dies. It might speak and advocate on behalf of other people even if it won’t for itself. Emotions always find their voice. They will not be silent.
While the circumstances creating the “Un....” should be addressed, they also are what can create a voice of change that is powerful, influential, and transforming. Behind the strong advocacy voice might be the experience of being in a place with no voice, no advocate.

Abuse. Unfair treatment. Trauma.
Anger. Justice. Stronger emotional reactions then the situation calls for.
While it was totally wrong, and should be dealt with, it created empathy and compassion for people who are caught in bad situations. Behind some of the kindest people is a myriad of broken shards.

Blatant sin. Bad choices. Open or indirect defiance of what is known to be right.
Proud. Independent. Guilt. Fear. Condemnation if they are aware of it.
Attempt to control the world instead of trust God.
While God is hurt by this, He isn’t stopped, intimidated, or overwhelmed.

Over and over, I have seen how God limits himself and uses stupid mistakes of humans and even blatant disrespect of Him to achieve good in the world. I have seen extremely dumb and ridiculous moves turned into something that brought him glory. Gasp... you can even find this insanity in the Bible, right through the whole lineage of Jesus. You would think He would lose patience much sooner than He does. Let’s not lose the idea that God is fair, that God sees the hard things and none of it is His perfect will. None of it. On the other hand, this speaks loud and clear of His grace, mercy and love. Especially when you realize the depth of how far off track you have gone, and how He uses you anyway. This is a profound moment.

God doesn’t steer clear of messy situations but enters into them and transforms them. He uses extremely unorthodox methods and comes in the back door more then he comes through the front. God is absolutely the most creative Artist of all time. He not only created the world but also hand designed the stories we live. Joy and pain are woven in. External stories bring insights to internal turmoil. If you have a story like mine, it happens to have layers of stuff happening simultaneously.

Whatever happened in the shadows really isn’t hidden from Him, or from the people who are discerning. It may be mostly invisible, but it will not stay there. It will come along with you in life and impact your response to life. God is not surprised by it, even if you are. And He may just even use it to accomplish a major change in the world.

So may we have patience with the people around us who we think know better, and even those that don’t. God will use all things for the good of those who love Him. Putting it in leather doesn’t look fun, but I know growth will only come in receiving the gift of messy.

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