Saturday, September 21, 2019

God Sees

I’m so thankful that God sees. Recently as I contemplated this, a lot of scenes flashed in front of my mind, and I realized God saw all those with me, as well as all the rest of each of those lives, and all the moments of billions of people’s lives simultaneously.

He saw the day I was followed by secret police before I knew about it. He also sees everything else that spies all across the world see.
He saw the old couple from somewhere deep in the forest who were on my flight, and had rarely seen civilization.
He saw and heard the groans of a wounded man who was picked up in a remote town and then transported on my flight to the big city.
He saw the lepers in India. He also saw the day Christians jokingly sang a song about a leprosy colony.
He sees stone quarries, and the brick making yards where people are enslaved in India.
He not only saw the road to the Taliban camp, He saw their souls.
He sees my Hindu train friends, and the day we ate lunch together.
He saw the crazy lady who rode the train with a stick in her mouth like a dog. And sees all the other mentally challenged people at the same time.
He sees the beggars, the bird lady and her children.
He sees the kids who run the tea shops... the mohingya shops, and wherever else they are working, when they should be getting an education.
He sees the refugee camps scattered across the world and the 60 plus millions who are displaced around the world.
He sees all the buses that go flying around corners with people crammed in every possible way, barely having enough air to breathe. He knows where the drunk man who tried to pay for his ride with a fish is even right now.
He sees the red light districts, and all the sickening stuff that goes on.
He sees genocides all over the world. Brutal raping, killing, burning babies alive...
He sees those who have seen these things come back home where people are callous, and even call foreigners names.
He sees kids and cultures that try to hockey for a place in this world by put downs, and cursing.
God sees each minute of our lives, and the lives of the billions. He knows the end of the story before the beginning happens.

He is a God of Love. He is capable of feeling all of the pain in the world. He can't build a protective wall, or shut down because He had too much. He is pure Love. Love that overcomes all barriers.

When Jesus died on the Cross for all of this, is it any wonder the sky turned dark? The auguish of it all was simply too much. But even all the sin of the world couldn't keep Him buried. He rose again.

In the end, it's Love, not hate or the fear behind hatred that is stronger. Love will win. At the end of time, every knee will bow and agree. Until then, let's be compassionate, transforming Love to the world.

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