Ancient Jewish tradition has it that only women can light the candles at the Passover. Interesting to think about in the context of the Light of the World coming through a woman. The traditional illustrations of Passover offered food for thought at a recent communion service.
We talk about radiant brides, but I don't remember ever hearing about the groom or any other male being described as glowing. Tell me if you have.
It seems like the role of women isn't in drawing the outlines of pictures, but in shading in colors in an existing framework. We were designed to light the candles, but leave the crafting in metaphor terms to God and the men. We leave the creation of a masterpiece in God’s hands, yet we are the best shade of our personalities that we can be. We are the colors, the spark, the life givers, the nurturing hand in relationships, seed sprouting green thumbs. We are to help others see the Light, and bring redemption, transformation, and hope to the world in our feminine ways.
I know, Proverbs 31 made candles, but the efficiency of the perfect woman isn't my point. She spent every bit of her time to bring life to those around her in any possible way she could. She worked within her realm, to the fullest of her potential and abilities. Her husband was known in the gates, so I doubt he was passive and allowed her rule the roost when he was a perfectly capable and loving leader. We don’t need to focus on being perfect, but on doing what is in our power to improve the world for those around us.
Sometimes we think we know what the picture should look like, and we either color outside the lines, or add details we were not supposed to. It's then that we lose our luster as we attempt to take control of our world. Control has never once gotten us what we want, so why do we try to manage our little lives instead of trusting? And control dims the light within.
Other times, we may get bogged down and burdened. It’s time for rest in His presence, or even more life will drain from us. Too often we allow distractions even in the form of good things to keep us from really connecting to the Source. If we are going to meet the many needs, we need to also fill up our own cup so we have something to give.
We need to continually connect to the Light Source to keep the glow alive. I need the reminder as much as anyone. Jesus said we need to “abide.” Are we holding an open hand, heart or cup towards Him to receive? Sometimes we think our earthly relationships lack, or the less than what we need part enters into our relationship with God, and we allow a wall to form that keeps us from really receiving. Regardless of what we have experienced, God by nature is Love and He literally died to show us His love.
I have been contemplating on the idea of living from our hearts, instead of by a set of rules. At some point it breaks down, but when we do relationships by the cultural rules, when our hearts feel like doing a different thing. I think the spark returns when we live from our hearts. When we try to apply math strategies to make life work, there is an internal death of sorts that happens. We don’t bring the joy, radiance or life we were meant to offer.
I have mentioned some of the barriers like control, etc... that create resistance to the power free flowing into our lightbulb. We need to remove anything that distracts, and focus on allowing the light to radiate in our lives. Take an honest inventory of what is in your heart. Nothing is worth losing your radiance for.
Just as Mary brought the Light into the world, so we as women also have a special ability to bring light and life to the world. We may not completely understand it, or consciously bring it, but the aura we have around us is clear to those around us. Let’s remove the barriers that keep the light from radiating the way it wants to.
God has a specific way for each of us to light up some part of the world for His glory. Go be that chandelier, candle, or lantern in your own uniquely created way!
I like the art anology. It shows how we as women are of value and bring beauty to the picture. At the same time, the beauty is enhanced when we stay within the borders of submission. Encouraging reminder!